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Quilotoa, Equador, turquoise-colored lagoon inside volcanic crater.
Dr. Elmarie Meintjes
Meet the Author and Developer

Child of God, Wife, Mother, Veterinarian, Educator, Scientist, Farmer, Author...

    Afrikaner by birth and Texan by choice, Elmarie Meintjes has been on an extraordinary journey. Growing up in the beautiful country of South Africa was quite an adventure, but nothing could prepare her for the ride to come at the side of her husband, Marius.


      The couple met at veterinary school in Pretoria and set out to seek new adventures abroad soon after graduation. Landing in Cajun country, Elmarie completed a veterinary internship and master's degree in neuroscience while Marius completed his Ph.D. in reproductive physiology. Years later, the growing Meintjes family settled down outside of Dallas. Here Elmarie practiced veterinary medicine, home educated their three sons, taught science classes, and spearheaded several community projects. Naturally, they also had to keep some South African sheep around to teach the boys about life and responsibility.

    The intersection of science and biblical truths has long held Elmarie's interest. Today, this fascination with the created world continues to inspire her to write, teach, and explore the fields of life sciences and medicine.

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